What is bodywork for horses? Not meant to replace health or veterinarian care, Equine Bodywork combines Reiki, Craniosacral, and Myofascial Release to help heal the Spirit and bring animals back to a state of trust and connection. It can provide them with a renewed sense of purpose and build their confidence with other animals …. and people.

Enhance Performance. Accelerate Recovery. Improve Overall Health and Wellbeing.

Any horse can benefit from energy and bodywork: show and performance horses, stressed-out rescue horses or every day pleasure horses that have lost their spark. Our four-legged friends experience the “relaxation response” just like humans do. Deep relaxation has been proven time and time again to relieve stress, increase blood flow, decrease swelling, enhance wound healing, improve digestion, reduce muscle tension, chronic pain, and more!

Hours and Rates

Wednesday - Sunday, 10am to 4pm
Sessions typically run 45 to 60 minutes, $100/session
2 horse minimum when traveling 15+ miles (from Northfield, IL) …. or an additional $50 travel fee will be charged.

Contact Us…

General questions, appointment inquiries, and testimonials may be submitted using the contact form. Please include info about your location, horse(s), preferred day/time …. and allow 48 - 72 hours for a response. Thank you!

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Because of the nature of the work, our phones are always on “do not disturb” but please feel free to leave a voicemail or send us a text.

We look forward to connecting soon!
